LSU to host an international conference with leading researchers in geriatrics

On April 18-19, the Lithuanian Sports University (LSU) will host the international scientific conference “Evidence-based Physical Activity in Old Age”, which is aimed to discuss the most relevant topics of physical activity in relation to healthy aging.

The conference is organised by the EGRAPA (The European Group for Research on Aging and Physical Activity), PhysAgeNet (COST Action Evidence-based Physical Activity in Old Age) and the LSU.

“This conference aims to advance physical activity programs for older people. A growing body of evidence highlights the benefits of physical activity for healthy aging. Today’s technological advances enable unprecedented exploration of the body and mind, directing our attention to the complex neurochemical, cellular and molecular processes affected by varying levels, duration and intensity of physical activity. Our goal is to understand the comprehensive health effects of physical activity in old age,” says Prof. Yael Netz, President of the EGRAPA.

The conference will cover a wide range of topics: assistive technology of physical activity in old age; physical activity, brain and cognition; physical activity and chronic diseases in old age; sport and fitness in old age; physical activity and nutrition in old age; artificial intelligence for physical activity programs in old age; and specific programs of physical activity such as aqua-therapy, yoga, pilates and dance.

Professor Mikaela von Bonsdorff from Finland will give a keynote presentation on “Healthy and active ageing in the life course – the role of physical activity”.

“Ageing is a process that begins at birth and is influenced by early environmental factors. According to the research, it is associated with a higher prevalence of chronic diseases and poorer physical performance. My presentation will be aimed at researchers in gerontology and geriatrics and will focus on the role of physical activity in declining health and general functioning and the focus on the life course in epidemiology. Besides I will discuss the impact of lifestyle factors on the prevalence of frailty development in older age,” says Prof. Bonsdorff.

Professor Kirk Erickson, who resides in the United States, will give a keynote presentation on “Exercise and Brain Health in Late Adulthood”.

“Current research shows that regular exercise is particularly beneficial for the brain in later adulthood. Physical activity is one of the most effective ways to reduce the risk of developing dementia and improve cognitive health in late adulthood. In my presentation, I will discuss what we know about how exercise affects the brain, how much the ageing body needs it, or what type of exercise is effective,” says Prof. Erickson.

The language of the conference is English. The conference is free for the members of the LSU community, so we encourage not to miss this great opportunity.

Those who intend to attend the conference, please register at:

For more information and a preliminary programme of the conference, please visit: